
Water Boils In A Vacuum

The humid betoken of a substance is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the pressure surrounding the liquid, and the liquid changes into a vapor. The humid point of a liquid varies depending upon the surrounding pressure.

A liquid in a partial vacuum has a lower humid point than when that liquid is at atmospheric pressure.

Online Water Humid Point Figurer

The computer below can be used to summate the h2o boiling signal at given, absolute pressures.
The output temperature is given every bit °C, °F, 1000 and °R.

Annotation! Force per unit area must exist inside the ranges 0-chiliad mbara, 0-xiv.7 psia, 0-760 mm Hg or 0-xxx in Hg.

Below, figures and tables testify the boiling point of h2o at varying vacuum.

Run across Water and Heavy Water  for thermodynamic properties at standard condtions.
Meet too other properties of Water at varying temperature and force per unit area: Boiling points at high pressure level, Density and specific weight,  Dynamic and kinematic viscosity, Enthalpy and entropy, Heat of vaporization, Ionization Constant, pKw, of normal and heavy water, Melting points at high pressure, Prandtl number, Properties at Gas-Liquid Equilibrium Conditions, Saturation pressure, Specific gravity, Specific heat (heat capacity), Specific volume, Thermal electrical conductivity, Thermal diffusivity and Vapour pressure at gas-liquid equilibrium.

Boiling point as function of the force per unit area, given as "mm Hg below  standard atmospheric pressure":
(= Vacuum of eastward.g. 100 mm Hg is the aforementioned every bit [760-100]=660 mm Hg absolute pressure)





The tabular array shows the water humid temperature at different vacuum force per unit area.
Vacuum is given as accented pressure and pressure "below standard atmospheric pressure" (ane bara = 0 vacuum):

For full table with Vacuum and Water Boiling Betoken - rotate the screen!

Absolute pressure Vacuum (below standard atmospheric force per unit area) Water boiling signal
[μm Hg]
[in Hg] [psia] [mbara]
[in Hg] [mmHg]
[°C] [°F]
760000 29.92 14.696 1013.3 0 0 0 100 212
635000 25.00 12.279 846.half-dozen 4.92 125.0 167 96 205
525526 20.69 ten.162 700.6 9.23 234.4 313 xc 194
500000 19.69 9.668 10.24 260.i 347 89 192
355092 13.98 vi.866 473.4 fifteen.94 404.9 540 fourscore 176
233680 9.200 four.519 311.5 xx.72 526.three 702 70 158
200000 7.874 3.867 266.6 22.05 560.1 747 67 152
149352 5.880 2.888 199.1 24.04 814 60 140
100000 3.937 i.934 133.3 25.98 659.9 880 52 125
92456 three.640 i.788 123.iii 26.28 667.five 890 fifty 122
55118 2.170 i.066 73.48 27.75 704.9 940 xl 104
31750 1.250 0.614 42.33 28.67 728.2 971 thirty 86
25400 ane.000 0.491 33.86 28.92 734.6 979 27 80
22860 0.900 0.442 30.48 29.02 737.1 983 24 76
20320 0.800 0.393 27.09 29.12 739.6 986 22 72
17780 0.700 0.344 23.71 29.22 742.ii 990 21 69
15240 0.600 0.295 20.32 29.32 993 eighteen 64
12700 0.500 0.246 sixteen.93 29.42 747.3 996 15 59
10160 0.400 0.196 13.55 29.52 749.eight 1000 12 53
7620 0.300 0.147 ten.xvi 29.62 752.three 1003 7 45
4572 0.180 0.088 6.10 29.74 755.4 1007 0 32
2540 0.100 0.049 3.39 29.82 757.4 1009.82 -6 21
1270 0.050 0.025 1.69 29.87 758.7 1011.51 -14 6
1000 0.039 0.019 ane.33 29.88 759.0 1011.85 -17 1
500 0.020 0.0097 0.67 29.90 759.5 1012.53 -24 -12
300 0.012 0.0058 0.40 29.91 759.7 1012.87 -29 -21
254 0.010 0.0049 0.34 29.91 759.7 1012.87 -31 -24
127 0.005 0.0025 0.17 29.92 759.8 1013.04 -37 -35
100 0.0039 0.0019 0.13 29.92 760.0 1013.21 -40 -forty
50 0.0020 0.0010 0.07 29.92 760.0 1013.21 -46 -50
25.four 0.0010 0.0005 0.03 29.919 759.9 1013.17 -51 -60
12.7 0.0005 0.00025 0.017 29.9195 760.0 1013.19 -57 -70
2.54 0.0001 0.00005 0.003 29.9199 760.0 1013.xx -68 -90
  • 0% vacuum = 760 torr = fourteen.7 psia = 29.92 in mercury abs = 101.four kPa abs
  • 50% vacuum = 380 torr = 7.3 psia = xv in mercury abs = 50.8 kPa abs
  • 99.9% vacuum = 1 torr = 0.01934 psia = 0.03937 in mercury abs = 1.3 kPa abs

Water Boils In A Vacuum,


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